
Monday, 9 December 2013

Information Report - Kiwis

Today a lot of dedicated people help to prevent kiwi from becoming extinct.The kiwi is a small bird. Did you know 200 years ago New Zealand’s forest echoed through the night air.

The kiwi is the nickname giving to us by the australian’s in the world war 1. So the kiwi is a very important bird for New Zealand. The kiwi is the New Zealand icon. it cannot fly, has loose, hair-like feathers, strong legs and no tail.Kiwi are the only bird to have nostrils at the end of its very long bill which is used to probe in the ground. Kiwi are long-lived, and depending on the species live for between 25 and 50 years.

The threats to the kiwi’s are stotes,possums and Dogs. All dogs, regardless of size, breed, training or temperament are potential kiwi killers. Farm dogs, hunting dogs, visiting dogs and pet dogs are equally attracted to the strong distinctive scent of kiwi.

So what do you think you could do to take care of the Kiwis.

Friday, 6 December 2013

My Netbook Reflection

This is how the internet connection's helps me. 
I learned how to put a photo into a photo on pixlr.
I learned how to make a wall padlet.
I went to school sites to extend what I learned.
I learned how to edit a movie.
I learned how to make a storyboard.

Mrs Grant taught me how  to leave a good comment on my blog.

Mrs Grant taught me how to write a good blog.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Active Frog

Different frogs can jump different heights and lengths. Your standard garden variety frog can jump heights as much as 10 feet and as long as 6 to 9 feet. Frogs have such long powerful hind legs which gives them that extra boost.Frogs jump are  measured in how far then  rather than how high.

Frogs have very powerful back legs and webbed feet that help them jump great distances, as well as, swim.  Frogs even use their legs to dig, or burrow, underground for hibernating. Certain frogs can jump up to 20 times their own body length in a single leap.

A frog is an amphibian. They lay their eggs in water. The eggs hatch into a tadpole which lives in water until it turns into an adult frog.Tadpoles look more like fish than frogs, they have long finned tails and breathe through gills.
An amphibian can live both on land and in water.

Although frogs live on land their habitat must be near  
swamps, ponds or in a damp place. This is because they will die if their skin dries out.
Instead of drinking water, frogs soak it into their body through their skin.
Frogs breathe through their nostrils while also absorbing about half the  air they need through their skin.
Frogs use their sticky, muscular tongue to catch and swallow food. Unlike humans, their tongue is not attached to the back of its mouth. Instead it is attached to the front.

Monday, 16 September 2013

Backyard Gurds

In this story there is pets in the backyard.

We are learning about what food we should not eat and food we should eat.
The food pyramid
The food pyramid tells us to eat less of the things at the top. Eat more of the foods at the bottom  food pyramid.

You must drink soup, water and tea  you must eat theses because you must keep your body nice and energetic.

You have to eat little less of apples, bananas, carrots, strawberries, corn, tomatoes and blueberries. You must eat these because you need to keep strong.

You must eat little of bread, cereal,  peanuts, hot chips and crackers .   You must eat  less of these foods because it is to avoid cancer.

what you must eat even less of is sugar, milk, cheese,  fish, yoghurt and hot chicken?. You must  eat even less of these because it is diet foods.

You must eat least of ice cream with chocolate scrip, fizzy drinks, lollies, big packet of  chips.  You must not  eat these foods because you will get fat and you will have to go on a diet.    
Backyard Guards
This report is about backyard guards. In the backyard there are many little creatures. Such as Rats,Hedgehogs,Black cats,Lizards and Cicada. Some animals can help the backyard such as the Black cat that can eat that fat rat. Some animals help the soil.

The Hedgehog can destroy your plants that you have planted. The fat Rat can eat one of the pess in your backyard. Such as the Cicada. Rats can also get into your stuff you may have wrap up. Or things you may have forgot to close after you open it.  

The food pyramid

We are learning about what food we should not eat and food we should eat.

The food pyramid
The food pyramid tells us to eat less of the things at the top. Eat more of the foods at the bottom  food pyramid.

You must drink soup, water and tea  you must eat theses because you must keep your body nice and energetic.

You have to eat little less of apples, bananas, carrots, strawberries, corn, tomatoes and blueberries. You must eat these because you need to keep strong.

You must eat little of bread, cereal,  peanuts, hot chips and crackers .   You must eat  less of these foods because it is to avoid cancer.

what you must eat even less of is sugar, milk, cheese,  fish, yoghurt and hot chicken?. You must  eat even less of these because it is diet foods.

You must eat least of ice cream with chocolate scrip, fizzy drinks, lollies, big packet of  chips.  You must not  eat these foods because you will get fat and you will have to go on a diet.    

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Fun In G.I

This morning it was beautiful.  Everyone was  playing. Then the bell rang. Room 9 came into the class.  Their teacher took them out to do some skipping. Melissa handed  out the skipping ropes. When room 9 got  their skipping ropes they went and stood in 2 lines of girls and 2 lines of boys. Then they started to skip. They skipped 20 times forward and backwards. Next they did side to side and double unders. Then room 9 had a challenge to see who can skip the longest. The winner was Wesley.  After that room 9 had a drink of water. Then they went into class.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Frations with Siua

I have been learning about fractions. Today we learnt how to draw fractions of shapes in the drawing program. sometimes it was hard getting all the fractions the same size.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

A tear-Siuas poem 9713

A tear.

Today I shed a tear.
I shed a tear because my papa died. he died of old age. He died at 94 years of age.His heart could not take it anymore.
I did not expect him to live that long. R.I.P
Today I shed a tear.

Basic every morning

Every morning room 9 does basic facts. I am getting better and better. I got over 95%. It is helping me with my Maths. addition, Subtraction,Time tables and Division   

Friday, 14 June 2013

Playing sumdog

Sum dog

Today  I went on my Extension.  I was playing sumdog.  I learnt to 
Use splitting by factors to solve multiplication and division problems. 

Siua read

The Destroyer    story By tony brandman 

Today I read this book online.  It was written by tony bradman. I was learning  
to identify range of language features used for effect. 

Siua reads online

Into the pyramid                    Tony bradman and jon 

Today I read this book online. it was written by Tony. I was learning 
to identify range of language features used for effect.   

Monday, 10 June 2013

Glen Innes School has 3 walking school buses. They are called Jitter bugs, Goody goody Gumdrops and Mrs Bettys Bus. The kids At Glen Innes school the students leave their class at 2.55 pm. When they go to their bus they stood there for 5 minutes. The when the bell rings the Jitterbugs are the first bus to go. They go all the way to Epping street. Then it is the goody goody gumdrops. They go all the way to Casteldine road. Then Mrs Bettys bus goes all the way to Taniwha. Those buses takes all the students to the top of their driveway.



Me in egypt

We have been learning to edit photos using PIXLR. The hardest thing for me was cropping. After that  this is what came out.

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

The Beach

On hot summer morning, my mum, brother  and I went to the beach. It took us  about 20 minutes to get to the beach.  When we arrived my brother grabbed his toys. When my brother got to the sand  him and my mum had a sand castle competition.   When they finished I had to judge.  I picked my little brother because his was bigger than hers.  After that  my mum was as hot as it was like she was near the sun. So  she went for a little swim.  When my mum went for a swim a few seconds later  I went to sleep.

When my mum got back she woke me up and said “
Siua where is your  brother.” I said “
He was still building his sand castle.”  When I looked around I did not see him.  There were too many people.  My mum and I splited up she went left and I went right.  When I was walking I saw some of my friends. The first person I saw was Tane. He was eating ice cream.  Then I saw Angeling.  She was tanning.  I asked her if she had seen my brother.  She said “
YES YES.” he went that way.  When I saw him I said “
Come here you have to go to mum.” he came to my mum.  My mum said”
where were you.” My brother said”
I was getting some things to decorate my sandcastle.

When we got home my mum told him to make her some toast for running off like that.  When he finished making my mums toast he went to his room and went sleep. I had fun at the beach.                

Monday, 20 May 2013

digital foot print

We have been learning how to leave a positive digital  foot print.We know we are doing this because we are leaving good,quality comments.  Here is the comment I have left. It is good to leave a comment on other peoples blogs Because I am leaving a positive foot print and it is helpful if I add a fact.  

Sunday, 19 May 2013



Every Wednesday last term we had taekwondo. Our teacher was Mrs Robinson. Taekwondo is a mixed martial art. On the first day of taekwondo we learned the tenets of taekwondo.  Is I shall observe the tenets of taekwondo   I may never misuse taekwondo I shall be a champion of  freedom and justice I shall respect the instructor and seniors. I shall build a more peaceful world.  

Then we stood in a line. Then we punched the boxing bag 4 times and then went to the back of the line. When  we finished our punches we did some kicking in the air. one of the kicks we learned was called flickey kicky. After that it was time to go back to class. We said our tenets and left to class.  At the end of all the  lessons it was time to break a board. I broke  the green bored in one kick. that was easy. After that I sat in the corner of the room.   

So after all the lessons I learned that.   Taekwondo is the best defences when you are in trouble.  

Thursday, 18 April 2013

24 HRS footprint

I am doing my 24 hrs foot print. Today I went on many different stuff.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Seagulls that fight

There was a seagull named Tim  and a seagull named Ifa. They are best friends. Every day Tim and Ifa went to Glen Innes school field. When it is lunchtime Tim and Ifa wait for the children to drop their food.  Tim and Ifa would fly as fast as the wind to go and  eat the food. When Tim and Ifa ate their food they ate like they never ate before.  One day a  kid from room 9 dropped their fish. Tim saw the fish first but Ifa got to it first.  Then tim and Ifa were fighting. None of them were backing down. Then they left the fish and Siua got the fish and flew away.  when they saw Siua fly away they were angry and flew away.  They went after Siua but he was too fast. He was fast like the wind. Tim and Ifa gave up and went and looked for some food.          

Tuesday, 12 March 2013



Hi my name is Siua.  I was born in  Onehunga on 2002 July 8th at 6:37 on a Wednesday. I am a Tongan and a Niuean.  I am at a school  called Glen Innes  School. I am in room 9.  It is an awesome class to be in because it is fun. My Teacher’s name is Mr Ramkolowan, he is awesome.

I am 10 years old. In my family I have 6 sisters and 3 brothers.  I am the 4th one in my family to be born. My mum’s name is Lorena. She is  always nice to me. My dad’s name is Solomone. My dad sometimes gives me money . My brother’s names are Mone and Izack. Izack is the eldest boy but he is in Australia. My sister’s name’s are Kaz, Limi and Meleofa. Sometimes they play with me and other times they are at their friend’s house. My friends are Melissa, Timmy, Crystal, Moko, Fana, Arihi, Etai, Ifa, Maia, Tyreece and Asiana.

I like to eat oranges because you can have a drink and a snack at the same time. It is the best fruit in the world. My favourite colours are  blue, purple, red, orange and yellow. I love all sports.  In class my favourite subject to learn is Math.  I am very good at it - it is an awesome subject. The other thing I like to do is P.E.  It is fun and it keeps me fit.

In class I always smile. After school, on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s, I get ready to do some training. I play for a club called Pakuranga Jaguwas. But my team is not called  Jagwas, we are called  Bulldogs.  

I have a pet is a dog.  His is an American and British Bulldog. He is so cute.  If someone tries to rob my house  my dog will  attack him. In my spare time I like to play sports with my friends or just sit down and talk.  



Thursday, 21 February 2013


Hi my name is Siua.  I was born in  Onehunga on 2002 July 8th.  I am a Tongan and a Niuean.  I am at a school  called Glen Innes  School. I am in room 9.  It is an awesome class to be in because it is fun.  My Teacher’s name is Mr Ramkolowan, he is awesome.

I am 10 years old.  In my family I have 6 sisters and 3 brothers.   I am the 4th one in my family to be born.  My mum’s name is Lorena. She is  always nice to me. My dad’s name is Solomone.  My dad sometimes gives me money .  My brother’s names are Mone and Izack.  Izack is the eldest boy but he is in Australia.    My sister’s name’s are Kaz, Limi and Meleofa. Sometimes they play with me and other times they are at their friend’s house.    

I like to eat oranges because you can have a drink and a snack at the same time. It is the best fruit in the world. My favourite colours are  Blue, Purple, Red, Orange and yellow.   I love all sports.  In class my favourite subject to learn is Math.  I am very good at it,it is an awesome subject.  The other thing I like to do is P.E.  It is fun and it keeps me fit.

In class I always smile. After school on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s I get ready to do some training. I play for a club called Pakuranga Jagwas.  But we  are not called  Jagwas, we are called  Bulldogs.  

My pet is a dog.  His breed is an American and British Bulldog. He is so cute.    When someone is trying to rob my house  my dog will  attack him. In my spare time I like to play sports with my friends or just sit down and talk.